COVID-19 Charitable Donation COVID-19 Charitable Donation to Age UK

As part of our corporate social responsibility we have made a charitable donation to Age UK to help assist the elderly vulnerable people in our society. We are not on the ‘front line’ of this crisis and applaud the hard working members of our community who are. We therefore felt it was important to contribute, how we were able, to the efforts against this pandemic.




We have chosen Age UK as there is a high number of elderly citizens currently in isolation. In many instances they may be alone in isolation. We have elderly relatives who are currently in isolation and we are able to assist them shopping for essential food and medicines and are able to chat over the telephone brightening their day with a friendly family voice.

However, all are not as fortunate and may have no family members or friends to help them during this crisis.

You can find out here about the help a donation to Age UK makes.